Active Shooter Defense Class
The class consists of two parts: an optional Part A: a 3-hour class presentation. ; Part B: consists of 5-hour range training (shooting) that is specific to stopping an active shooter. Students can enroll in one or both classes. However, the Part B (the shooting part) of the class does have a shooting skill prerequisite (see below).
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Location: at a private indoor range with a large classroom in the Upper Valley (near Anthony)
Part A-Lecture: 8 am to 11 am $49
Part B-Range Training: noon to around 5 pm- $69
Both sessions: $99

The Presenter: Ben Cheng, a certified Active Shooter Instructor from Ed Monk of the Last Resort Firearms Training and also a Certified ALERRT (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training} Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor. More about Ben’s background can be found at the About page.

Part A: 3-hour Class Presentation from 8 am to 11 am $49
The 3-hour lecture part of the Active Shooter Defense class is highly recommended for any concerned adults that wish to find a solution to “Minimize” the carnage in an active shooter incident.
We will study many of the horrific tragic shootings in the past, and the lessons learned. More importantly, what have any effective policy arise in response to these evil events? What can we do to address the issue in order to minimize the carnage?
Student will receive an attendance certificate after the class.
(Do not register for the class until you have read and agree to the below cancellation policy. Please follow the below instructions PRECISELY in order to avoid delay of your registration for the class.)
Part B: 5-our Range Training Session (shooting) from
Noon to around 5 pm. $69
This training session is designed for people that are “willing” and “able” to stop crazed, evil shooter in an active shooting incident.
Prerequisite: This is NOT a beginner’s class. Students must have already attended a bona-fide defensive pistol class with emphasis on safely drawing a gun from concealment and accurate shooting.
In this Active Shooter Defense shooting class, we will work on the following:
- Learn our individual “Maximum Accuracy Distance”
- Shooting under extreme noise, confusion, pressure and stress
- Target identification
- Learn to shoot 100% accurate in a crowd
- Individual scenario-based training (you will need to ID the active shooter and innocent bystanders) and apply the correct tactics
- Behavior as a law-abiding citizen defender in an active shooting incident
- Prepare for Law Enforcement interaction
Students attending the range training session will need:
Safety Gear: Eye, ear protection, a baseball hat and a pair of gloves
Shooting Gear: a modern pistol, a concealment holster, a cover garment. 150-rd of factory ammo and at least 2 magazines or 3 speed loaders. Magazine pouch is a plus.
Students have completed this range session will receive an “Active Shooter Defender class Completion Certificate.
(Do not register for the class until you have read and agree to the below cancellation policy. Please follow the below instructions PRECISELY in order to avoid delay of your registration for the class.)
After you have paid for the course, then email (ben at epltc dot com) of the info below. Please copy and paste the questions into the email.
Name of the class (please indicate Part A, B or both)
Class Date:
Full Name:
Phone #:
LTC/CCW # and issuing State (if available):
Gun Maker, Model:
Ammo type:
Experience: (list all training classes)
Please tell us how did you hear about our classes:
Cancellation Policy